Sisters with stories to tell about trips to hell, encounters with hell hounds, and land whales, good times to share often. I wish the hairdresser, Sheri Jarrot 805 205 5026 , Rachel Jarrot- the offspring that was created with the Jester and the king of gray skies and hurting feelings, because the daughter has feet of clay, and it is a secret.

Ask for more, part of the Jewish Army , Cow to Buffalo: wise and the wick?
That would be great, could use a rate on these experiences. Enjoy.

Steven Jarrot, how could he think he was so charming, truthful and honest, and a man to look up to for a life time, not! Life with Steven was a walk on the wild side, and it was close to a walk to the dead side, and this is what I had to live though. Life on a RV going from Ventura, La Quinta, Palm Springs, Uplands, Santa Monica, San Diego, and lots of stops in between for the repairs needed and the gas needed, and the party favors and the trades of time and space from friends, family and the others that just wanted more bangs for the exchanges of time and or what was needed at the time.

Life living blue is how I saw it most of the time, and my view for my choice to be happy and look for the bright side of things, and see that it was a lesson to be learned. It was a state of mind to find the interest in the life that I was living, it was so off base, and it was a time for making plans to get out of town on the next bus out, a dream or a nightmare is how I saw it most of the time spent in that den of snakes.

Thank God, childhood has an end to it, and maybe the clock will start again, on the growth that is needed. It has to be done by the next person, and hopefully growth will be the order of the day. Or maybe it is something that needed to be done again, and again until it gets done the way it was intended. When you forget the history you are destiny to respect the same mistakes, until you open your eyes and make a choice to do something different.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. #NelsonMandela Mandela day.✈️��The problem is; we are not perfect. A thought:For a fee, PTSD, nuts on the run. Bats and birds, singing songs on the mountain tops.Nobody knows better than we Africans that the policy of divide & rule is the aspiration of those who seek to benefit at others expense.
Teachers or students, hope for more, work for more, write, for time and space.Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. #NelsonMandela Mandela day.
*Drops hints. Silent Knights, Sunny, Bright, Witty, Retired, And 420 Friendly.๐น๐American Birds, Faces Of Freedom: ๐ฎ๐จ. ⚖️๐☯️✨✨✨✨๐ซ.Seeking A Spark of Intelligence, Stability and Humor ....Fall Winds, Winter Dark Knights, Giants On The Land: Wishes.๐Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,๐ฆBirds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go,๐ปPassions Happen, Dames, Dances In Blue Skies,๐."Right Turns".
Know well what leads you forward and know what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night.Please Magic do something to save the NBA logo. It is impossible to change the logo just for a player like Kobe who steal all the Jordan moov!

I loved Kobe but I loved Pierce, Carter, Duncan, Roy, Melo, Nowitski, James and Wade at this era.Kobe is not "dead",he just left the floor of life. he's now watching us from the sideline with Gianna. surely they laughed too watching magic

Kobe is not "dead",he just left the floor of life. he's now watching us from the sideline with Gianna. surely they laughed too watching magic.*Drops hints. Silent Knights, Sunny, Bright, Witty, Retired, And 420 Friendly.๐น๐American Birds, Faces Of Freedom: ๐ฎ๐จ. ⚖️๐☯️✨✨✨✨๐ซ.Seeking A Spark of Intelligence, Stability and Humor ....Fall Winds, Winter Dark Knights, Giants On The Land: Wishes.๐Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,๐ฆBirds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go,๐ปPassions Happen, Dames, Dances In Blue Skies,๐."Right Turns".
Ask for more, part of the Jewish Army , Cow to Buffalo: wise and the wick?
That would be great, could use a rate on these experiences. Enjoy.
Steven Jarrot, how could he think he was so charming, truthful and honest, and a man to look up to for a life time, not! Life with Steven was a walk on the wild side, and it was close to a walk to the dead side, and this is what I had to live though. Life on a RV going from Ventura, La Quinta, Palm Springs, Uplands, Santa Monica, San Diego, and lots of stops in between for the repairs needed and the gas needed, and the party favors and the trades of time and space from friends, family and the others that just wanted more bangs for the exchanges of time and or what was needed at the time.
Life living blue is how I saw it most of the time, and my view for my choice to be happy and look for the bright side of things, and see that it was a lesson to be learned. It was a state of mind to find the interest in the life that I was living, it was so off base, and it was a time for making plans to get out of town on the next bus out, a dream or a nightmare is how I saw it most of the time spent in that den of snakes.
Thank God, childhood has an end to it, and maybe the clock will start again, on the growth that is needed. It has to be done by the next person, and hopefully growth will be the order of the day. Or maybe it is something that needed to be done again, and again until it gets done the way it was intended. When you forget the history you are destiny to respect the same mistakes, until you open your eyes and make a choice to do something different.
Is it Peter Pan, the third eye, the green branch of peace: not sure of the sex of his third, it's open and awake now. You should always be in touch with the child within, god to some. Call it what you like, a belief with land, and the centers of your life, gifts to share as a teacher or a student, daily chances to take. Happy and delighted for time to fail, first attempts in learning to do, once is fine in my world, mountains to climb to the roads to greatness today.
The sight used to see in the seven seas, branches of peace off the dogwood tree, pieces to use to make a cross. The dove came back to the ARK ? with a branch from a olive tree, a sign. Time to get back to land, boat trip over and done. Thanks to the heavens we can start over again. Need twelve hats, twelve hours to a day, 12 months to a year, when you live in the reams of light. My belief created from the fairy tale life, everyone born a star try to become a super star. Just need to find the other way to turn that light on.

Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.City officials say a row of tamarisk trees between a black neighborhood and a city golf course will be removed.People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!

Love My Gems. ๐Spiraling out of control. Rachel Jarrot, American Girl:Party like a Jew! Dogwood Butterfly : Class Dogs,Dicks:Knows what it meant, then and now, ask Rach Jay, butches and bitches, cows and buffs, forever freaks.Rachel Jarrot, hats and wigs worn, to hide the horns, goats and sheep, donkeys and sluts ride for free. Tricks and trades done, movies to make, of all the action, dates with dad.

Shastia Brenagh,I just want some head....that's all.... Don't want to talk.... Don't want to fuck.... ~Why .can't things be that simple. ?~at 66665 Mesquite,of Desert Hot Springs,took custody of this new born ward of the state of California,with jumps of joy. She was running and a jumping when she took minor,given toher personally by Peter Bricarello.Omm๐๐๐๐ฏSo this is what the fuck y'all be going through...I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me ๐๐๐๐๐๐ฏPeople change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!
Love My Gems. ๐Spiraling out of control. Rachel Jarrot, American Girl:Party like a Jew! Dogwood Butterfly : Class Dogs,Dicks:Knows what it meant, then and now, ask Rach Jay, butches and bitches, cows and buffs, forever freaks.Rachel Jarrot, hats and wigs worn, to hide the horns, goats and sheep, donkeys and sluts ride for free. Tricks and trades done, movies to make, of all the action, dates with dad. Blonde Cows.Friends, foes and family members, dancing in the wind, gifts to share of the history, tales of joy and laughter of the frogs, freaks and fools, sinners and saints, wheels turning for the pages of songs created.
Love and hate horns of a goat. Love and devotions from a man for a women, gifts of the old souls floating here today, gone tomorrow. Lessons to learn, about the fun and games in the minds and hearts of the young at heart. Fairies, pixies, earth angels, bikers from New York, gifts of songs and dances for a better daze. Desert Rats: Indio Fuck Fests. Rats to races, rabbits and hares, seasons in the dogwood trees,dances in the woods, dances for the rites of sinners and saints.RV Dreamer.Desert Rats: Indio Fuck Fests: Fuck Friends, Party Times Happy Holidays.
No not in this life, maybe later as a bird, plenty of fish to seas...RV Dreamer.Desert Rats: Indio Fuck Fests: Fuck Friends, Party Times Happy Holidays..Steven Jarrot:7603601613: Party and play today in Ventura, CA. RV Camper. Crook. Cheater. Dream partner for life, yours?Freak for the true colors, male fag hag, the right story to share, hemal of the Jewish flip side of the coin. People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!
No not in this life, maybe later as a bird, plenty of fish to seas...RV Dreamer.Desert Rats: Indio Fuck Fests: Fuck Friends, Party Times Happy Holidays..Steven Jarrot:7603601613: Party and play today in Ventura, CA. RV Camper. Crook. Cheater. Dream partner for life, yours?Freak for the true colors, male fag hag, the right story to share, hemal of the Jewish flip side of the coin. People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!
Lover of self, and lovers of cum to trade for tasteful pleasures, role model of the worst kind, depends....Once a snake, will remain a snake, changes skins nine times a year, nature of the beast.Desert Rats: Indio Fuck Fests. Rats to races, rabbits and hares, seasons in the dogwood trees,dances in the woods, dances for the rites of sinners and saints.People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!
Love My Gems. ๐Spiraling out of control. Rachel Jarrot, American Girl:Party like a Jew! Dogwood Butterfly : Class Dogs,Dicks:Knows what it meant, then and now, ask Rach Jay, butches and bitches, cows and buffs, forever freaks.People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!
Not sure about the battles, not sure about the causes that are worth your time. Not sure who you are. Judgemental and silent today, for the last rites of passage. Done with the dances, flying away, from the dream? a muse to bring sunshine in your dark corners. Eliminate the controversies on the quests to selections to fight another day. Closing the doors, closing the windows, and turning out the lights. Another day done, back to the (bat) cave that echoes though the darkness, alone for another period of time.
Rasheeda - Marry Me [Official Video]
Steven Jay Jarrot: 7608512267: Gay and happy, full of hot air, buller shiter, shit flying now...I AM VERY GLAD TO SAY MY LITTLE BUTCH, BALD OR NOT, IS THE ONE PUSSY LICK THE MOST FOR ME ALWAYS SWEET. AFTER REESE SMITH JARROT 5622009102, OF COURSE, NEED A LIFETIME BUTCH FOR SHERI JARROT ALSO. RACHEL JARROT-HAS ALL HER HAIR BACK AND HAS BEEN REGROWTH SINCE FEBRUARY. I BOUGHT HER A BEAUTIFUL CONDO AND SET HER UP TO BE IN SCHOOL AND A NICE PLACE AND A BEAUTIFUL CAR TO DRIVE.Blonde Cows.Friends, foes and family members, dancing in the wind, gifts to share of the history, tales of joy and laughter of the frogs, freaks and fools, sinners and saints, wheels turning for the pages of songs created.
Princesses whales and frogs: Rachel, Sheri, Sima Jarrot, the butches, the butches, the land whale lovers in Upland, Ca. Butch Reese Smith Jarrot, sucker for tricks, dicks and pussies for tasteful pleasures to share with dreams at night on the beach, party and play 5622009102 now, or forever more.Blonde Cows.Friends, foes and family members, dancing in the wind, gifts to share of the history, tales of joy and laughter of the frogs, freaks and fools, sinners and saints, wheels turning for the pages of songs created.
Steven Jarrot, 8052055026-searches for prey to suck out free will, date a white land whale for drugs? 45 Jan 29, 2015: I want to lick some pussy and have 420 - m4w 53: (Ventura) casual encounters To trade . I'll give you A 1/2 oz to have some fun with you. Reply if your interested with your pic and # 7603601613: Pay for sex, trades of drugs for the time and attention to spare for a walk on the wild side with a freak, or a whale on land, good looks to spare.
Fun and games, and party and play have a define meaning to some, the freaks up all night, the suckers and the drug dealers, traders, lickers, experts on oral sanctification still the same story. With ads that state how much you want to please, suggest there is a little desperation going on, sad story to share, or keep in the dark.
Notes to a fool in a family of frogs, Cuban transplants, gods and legends in their own minds, Super-freaks, super-wide Jewish Rock Heads
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