May be an image of 2 people, clarinet and saxophone
Handling money is a tricky thing.
May be an image of text that says 'What money can buy: A bed but not sleep. A clock but not time. A book but not knowledge. A position but not respect. Medicine but not health. Amusements but not happiness. Acquaintance but not friendship. Obedience but not faithfulness. A house but not a home. UNKNOWN @artofpoets artofpo'

Solar energy company in Perris, California,Terms to sell, take a solar lease termination, and attempt to have seller, sign a midterm, with a solar company. Will they sell. Not for a $30,000 fee. Toxic people" don't exist anymore than evil people or saints.Last year, they were called Spruce Powers, cons to run, at Costco, for $61,000, pocket change?
ENGLISH words,Son to shine, a king or a knight, lover to keep, over the rainbows, over the bumps in the roads, over the good times.Guys with hair like this have…
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Newer agent here:
Just curious what are some of your favorite ways to lead generate/build up your client base? I’m newer to the state, so I already don’t know a lot of people. I’m very big on social media & post daily, I just don’t want to pay for ads or anything just starting out! What has worked for everyone when they were starting out?
Thanks in advance 😊
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Stephen Schiffman
Do give aways. Just spend, I don't know, $20 or so on a "summer fun" basket full of Dollar Tree items, and and then door knock to get signatures. Maybe run a Facebook ad if door knocking isn't getting you a lot of sign ups.
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